MEDIA WATCH: Trump presidency ranked among top ten risks facing world

DONALD TRUMP winning the US presidential election poses an equal risk to the global economy as Islamic terrorism, according to analysts at the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Researchers warn that the Republican frontrunner could trigger a trade war with China and Mexico and heighten security risks by serving as a powerful recruitment tool for terrorists.

Trump continues to defy all expectations, leading in the polls and the delegate count, and looks likely to secure the Republican Party’s nomination for president  reports The Week

It is the first time analysts have included the possible election of a political candidate on its list of top ten risks, according to Politico.

Other threats include a new Cold War, armed conflict in the South China Sea and Britain voting to leave the European Union in the upcoming referendum.

Justifying the inclusion of the renegade businessman, analysts cited his “militaristic tendencies” towards the Middle East, his “exceptionally right-wing stance” and his proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the US.

Trump has also been “exceptionally hostile” towards free trade and has repeatedly labelled China as a “currency manipulator”, they say.

Despite these predictions, analysts do not expect him to beat his most likely opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton, in the November election. “[But] there are risks to this forecast, especially in the event of a terrorist attack on US soil or a sudden economic downturn.”

If the businessman does make it to the White House, “it is worth noting that the innate hostility within the Republican hierarchy towards Mr Trump, combined with the inevitable virulent Democratic opposition, will see many of his more radical policies blocked in Congress”, they add