Ex-security bosses get cell release

FORMER Public Security Minister Jose Raul Mulino, who has been  behind bars in preventive detention  since September  is now under country arrest along with his one-time deputy  Alejandro Garuz in the government of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014).

The Second Superior Court changed the order for both. They  barred from leaving the country and must report on the 25th of each month  sources in the Public Ministry told La Prensa

Mulino was  held  at the headquarters of the National Police in Ancon.

Garuz too had a detention order, but is currently hospitalized. He  is also facing charges  over  the of interception of communications by the National Security Council.

Both are under investigation by  Third Anti-Corruption prosecutor  Zuleyka Moore, over  the purchase of 19 radar, for $125 million from  the Italian company Selex, a subsidiary of the Italian  Finmeccanica conglomerate.