Brazil and Panama in cooperation spat

BRAZIL prosecutors are at odds with Panama’s Attorney General over the interpretation of cooperation on a request  for help with  Lava Jato (car wash) corruption scandal investigation.

Panama Attorney  General, Kenia Porcell,  said Tuesday May 31 that the Public Ministry has cooperated with the South American country.

In a statement the Attorney General’s Office said it: “has responded to request for international criminal assistance that was sought by different countries, as is the case of the application made by Brazilian prosecutors.”

The statement refutes claims made by a Brazilian prosecutor involved in the Lava Jato case who said that “Panama does not want to send all the documentation despite our insistence.”

The request is related to bank accounts of the company Constructora Internacional del Sur, S.A.

According to reports from Brazilian prosecutors, the Panamanian company received at least $50 million between 2007 and 2014 from companies controlled by the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, S.A. Those payments were allegedly used to pay bribes in exchange for state contracts.

But Panama prosecutors said that the information was provided in a timely manner. Brazilian prosecutors confirmed that they have received information from Panama, but said it is “insufficient and only fulfilled part of the request.”

The Public Ministry responded that for Panama, to provide the requested information, it  needs more specific and precise instructions.

Prosecutors from both countries recently discussed the situation at a U.N. meeting on international crime in Austria, which was attended by Porcell.