Line up for flu shots as 197 hospitalized

THE NUMBER  of people hospitalized with the AH1N1  flu virus  jumped to 197   on  Monday. June 6 said Panama’s Ministry of Health (MoH).

The patients are in Ministry of Health, Social Security and private hospitals said Health Minister Francisco Javier

Government health clinics have extended operating hours to provide free vaccinations to those most at risk, young children, those over 60 and people with chronic health conditions. Terrientes said that one million doses were distributed throughout the country.

Long line ups have were recorded at Health  Centers throughout the day.

Another  500,000 vaccines should arrive in the next two weeks when vaccinations will become more widely available.

Health authorities have called on the population to help  contain the spread  of ithe virus , such as washing hands, covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing, seeking  medical attention if there are signs of a  cold and trouble with  breathing,  and staying  away from crowds.