More alleged crimes while under house arrest

EX-VICE- PRESIDENT Felipe Pipo Virzi was moved from preventive detention to house arrest because of his age and the court’s belief that he would not be continuing criminal activities. But he and his daughter are now under investigation for forgery and fraud in a real estate deal committed while he was allegedly under surveillance.

Newly bearded Virzi, is already facing two other criminal cases, one for alleged money laundering related to bank accounts  of jailed ex- Supreme Court  Judge Alejandro Moncada Luna and another for embezzlement related to the failed irrigation project Tonosí, whose preliminary hearing is set for July .The Virzi controlled bank that was involved in many of his activities was shut down and its operations taken over by other investors. The Tonosi case involves the alleged distribution of bribery proceeds to members of the Ricardo Martinelli inner circle, some of whom, like Martinelli, have fled the country.

In a June 8,  resolution t  The Fifteenth Criminal Circuit prosecutor ordered the investigation of  fourth circuit notary, Natividad Quiros Aguilar, and Elvira Maria Virzi, for the alleged crime of forgery linked to Pipo Virzi

Quiros Aguilar and Virzi Elvira, daughter of the former vice president, after inconsistencies were found in the procedure for registration of a farm in Santiago, Veraguas province.

According to the prosecution there is  a possible alteration of documents in which Felipe Virzi deeded land it was determined Agroganadera F. A. Virzi S.A., despite the existence of a demand for registration of the  land by Maria Torres Enelda in August 2015 in the Agrarian First Court of Veraguas.

It is established that the transfer occurred when Virzi was under  house arrest issued by the Special Prosecutor against Organized Crime

The notary Quiros declared that he went d to the house of Virzi to attest to the processing of some documents, including the deed by which the transfer was made of the farm. However, the record has  no reference to the presence of witnesses. reports La Prensa