Mizrachi a fugitive after bribing guard

ON THE DAY he was to be released from detention in Colombia after a Panama Court had revoked his  extradition order, Mayer Mizrachi, the son of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli’s brother in law again became a fugitive.

Colombia official authorities reported that Mizrachi bribed a guard of La Picota prison to allow him to escape. This, although on Wednesday  June 22 he  would be released and sent by the immigration authorities to Panama.

A statement from  Panama’s Foreign Ministry, which had received a notice revoking an earlier extradition order said:  “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was told tonight by the Government of the Republic of Colombia that the Panamanian citizen Mayer Mizrachi escaped at  a time when the Colombian authorities arranged  deportation to Panama after his  detention and extradition request was overturned by the   Supreme Court of Panama, “said a  bulletin released by the Panamanian Foreign Ministry Wednesday night.

In the hearing before the Supreme Court Silvio Guerra, defense attorney, argued that his client “did not intend to alter or suppress evidence or abscond.”

The  Ministry note adds that the Colombian authorities launched an investigation for “ a possible act of high-level corruption, specifically bribery of an official of the National Institute of System Penitentiary and Prison  System in Colombia, who has already been dismissed by the authorities and charges have been brought before [the] prosecution by the fact “.

The Foreign Ministry warns that Mizrachi is a fugitive from justice

In Panama, Mizrachi is being investigated for  the commission of crimes against public administration to the detriment of the Authority Government Innovation (AIG), in the last government.

The preliminary hearing for the case is scheduled for August 24.