Flu deaths reach 31

THE (H1N1) INFLUENZA  virus has claimed another two lives bringing the total of fatalities to 31, while fueling a massive vaccination program . The cause of an additional case has yet to be confirmed by Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (ICGES)

Dr. Nestor Sosa) speaking at a press conference said that “since April 21,   1,371341 doses of influenza vaccines have been administered.

From June 1  1,546  patients have been hospitalized with  Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Of this figure, 1,158 patients were discharged and 388 remain under medical care in various public and private hospitals .

The Ministry of Education (Meduca) began implementing the vaccine program for preschool children attending state schools on Thursday June 23.

Some schools have abandoned classes, with teachers saying that students have not been vaccinated.

“The Social Security (CSS) and the Ministry of Health will continue to provide vaccination daily, Monday through Friday, through quotas and give priority to the vulnerable population,” said Sosa who mentioned the acquisition of one million extra doses of vaccines.

The vulnerable groups are considered as children under five years of age, adults over 60, health workers and people with chronic illnesses.

Health authorities who describe the outbreak as an “alert” and not an epidemic, recommend avoiding crowds, frequent hand washing, avoiding kissing and hand shaking. In case of flu symptoms visit the nearest health center or hospital.