629 mosquito breeding sites in one community

COUNTRYWIDE Ministry of Health (MoH)  operations against the disease carrying  Aedes Aegypti mosquito on Sunday August 4 were intended to educate people to prevent breeding sites.

Teams set out to  clean and fumigate the areas of greatest proliferation of disease vectors such as dengue, chikungunya and zika.

Health Minister, Miguel Mayo, explained that the main objective of the activity was to “change the behavior of people.”

May said that if the population deposited waste in the right places and once a week removed from their homes containers that were potential breeding sites, it would “significantly”  decrease diseases resulting in a healthier population.

In one community alone, Los Canelos, Herrera province   MoH officials detected 629 vector breeding sites

Stacy Osorio, head of the Department of Public Health explained that the problem in this community was: , “not only are mosquitos breeding, but the accumulation of garbage in the gutters, the little cleaning on the grounds and courtyards and bad waste collection service. “