OFF THE CUFF: Playboys leash shortens

TIME MAY BE  running out for Panama playboy-businessman Mayer Mizrachi, who, like his father, is on the run from Panama authorities.

Mizrachi’s father skipped the country aboard the private jet of his brother-in-law, ex president Ricardo Martinelli  as investigators were looking at some of his offshore financial dealings  Mizrachi Junior  is facing trial in Panama for government work paid for but not done,

Aaron Mizrachi, fled Panama on Martinelli jet
“Royal”Aaron Mizrachi, fled Panama on Martinelli jet

He was arrested in Colombia on  an Interpol warrant, and after several months in jail and a bizarre exit, that left the prison director facing charges, he applied for political asylum. After a series of rejections and appeals, he was notified on Wednesday, August 10   through his attorney was notified of the decision of the appeal presented by his  lawyers, which confirmed the refusal of the application for refugee status issued by the National Commission of Refuge (Conare) of Colombia on June 7.
Mizrachi had until Friday to  submit  the Colombian offices of Immigration to demand the renewal of safe conduct to avoid missing  the extension of five working days that entity that awarded the previous week.

"Royal"Aaron Mizrachi, fled Panama on Martinelli jet
“Royal”Aaron Mizrachi, fled Panama on Martinelli jet

Is he heading for a flight to Panama to face the music, or will  he dance to another tune, and send yet abother selfie to his Twiier account?