Killer flu virus to increase in September

THE HIN1 FLU which killed 64 people earlier in the year will be back in Panama  between September and October, according to the  Ministry of Health (MoH).

The Director of Health, Itza Barahona de Mosca, the arrival of new cases  will  be because of increased rainfall and mosquio activity and because influenza viruses, includingH1N1 circulate all year.

Barahona de Mosca, , asked the public to remain vigilant and those who have not yet been vaccinated should report to a health center of the Ministry) or Social Security Fund (CSS) Deputy Health Minister, Eric Ulloa, on August 11, asked the Budget Committee of the National Assembly  for  approval of $5.6 million.Of this amount, according to Ulloa $1 million to be used to provide supplies and equipment to health regions to treat people hospitalized with influenza AH1N1.