OPINION: Profit ousts quality of life

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa, Aug 30

IN THE LAST 30 YEARS, zoning changes, have benefited people close to power and has decreased the quality of life in many areas of the city.

Bella Vista, San Francisco, Bethania Clayton and Coco del Mar are just a few examples of how real estate speculation has punished the coexistence of its residents.

A family that has done its best to acquire and maintain a home like home, must face the uncertainty caused by the construction of a skyscraper in an adjoining property, or a mall  which saturates traffic access roads, and even a brothel that fitted  into  their neighborhood.

The legal security of citizens is non-existent, while developers and politicians who benefit them with their kindness, have taken the city as their booty.

The first obligation of government is not to cause any harm. The imperative of private profit should not be at the expense of injury and the suffering of others.

Only with respect you can build a great country for all.