At least  2 million  Panamanians could be infected with covid -19

Regardless of the multiple graphs and prediction models that circulate about the pandemic it must be assumed that at least 50% of the Panamanian population (2 million) could become infected between 2020-2021. Say   infectologist Xavier Sáez-Llorens, member of the Ministry of Health (Minsa)  advisory on Covid-19

“Prevention strategies are designed to space the number of infections this year and thus make  time for the disease to be manageable for the health system (avoid exceeding human and hospital resources) and to develop powerful treatments and effective vaccines (prevention permanent), ”said the scientist on his Twitter account.

The infectologist  said that the time in which the number of infected detected doubles every – three, five, or seven days-depends on many factors: time of the epidemic, mitigation measures, number of samples performed, isolation of patients / contacts. “It is not the same for all countries.” He said

Until yesterday  , Panama had 786 infected and 14 deaths from the coronavirus. The national director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, Lourdes Moreno, said that the majority of cases continue to be patients between the ages of 30 and 50.