Watch his lips: Martinellis promised return

Watch his lips: Martinelli’s promised returnEX-PRESIDENT  Ricardo Martinelli, is  mimicking the famed “ I shall return” words of  US General Douglas MacArthur, when forced out of the Philippines in WW II.

Panama’s former numero uno  has once again vowed to  his shrinking core of CD supporters that he will return in 2019.

Whether he plans a previously announced triumphal parade across the country accompanied by flag waving believers  or arrives  surrounded by a phalanx of lawyers as he heads to court to face some  dozen court cases that could earn him sentences of over 20 years, he hasn’t revealed.

Martinelli, skipped the country February 28, 2014 on his private jet, which has revisited the country only to ferry a fleeing member of  his former inner circle, now on the Interpol wanted list, along with a growing number of former Panama notables.

On the anniversary of his own exit  he took time put  to send a message to his remaining idealogues, wishing them a happy Carnival, and to distribute a hymn of praise, written and recorded by a supporter.

“”I would like to be with you celebrating in San Carlos with my great friend and lawyer, Alma Cortés … I am sure you will enjoy it very much,” said the ex leader  reiterating that in 2019 he will return to the country.

MacArthur’s return

Meanwhile a process for his extradition is bogged down somewhere in the US judicial system, and an Interpol red alert is out for his two sons. Cortes, who bought her way out of preventive  detention  is awaiting trial for illegal  enrichment.

The Martinelli return is unlikely to draw as much attention as MacArthur’s, and his previously promised triumphal cross country parade is unlikely to outshine that of military coup leader Omar Torrijos.