OPINION: Opportunity lost as Panama drops Ironman ball

hoyporhoy, La Prensa  Mar.1

PANAMA  was one of the venues of the international competition Ironman 70.3 for three years making  the country a point of reference for this type of sporting event. However, the authorities have decided that the State does not have the necessary funds to cover the costs involved in organizing a meeting of this magnitude.

The Comptroller’s arguments to make this decision are based on the absurd, especially since our leaders have shown waywardness  in setting investment priorities.

Millions of dollars are spent to fund initiatives just because they  represent a political return or without good  reason, and without even citizen consultation.

Suddenly, the population learns that, for example,Parque Omar needs an investment of $35 million.

On the other hand, events like the Ironman not only position the country in a new sports discipline, but also represent economic income from tourism

that generate  income and benefit the country brand, highlighting the natural l and infrastructure benefits that Panama offers.

Unfortunately, now it will be Puerto Rico that will have this opportunity.