OFF THE CUFF: US slow to assist in Martinelli cases

THE UNITED STATES  is hardly  rushing tO the aid of Panamanian authorities seeking to bring members of Clan Martinelli to justice, although the number of cases and amount of money involved in alleged corruption acts climbs daily.

Panama’s Supreme  Supreme Court announced Thursday, April 27  that it has received no response

To the request for international assistance through the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty between

The United States and Panama in the case involving Ricardo Martinelli.

The request for international assistance was sent so that Martinelli, who is allegedly in Miami, can be notified of The hearing scheduled for May 10 for crimes against Public administration involving the 353 pardons granted  In the twilight of his government.

Many of the pardons were for criminal offenses by members of the CD party he founded, funded, and led.

The judicial assistance request gives details of the process involving the former president.

In a press release, officials of the Supreme Court said the Panama Consulate in Miami would facilitate the personal notification.

On Wednesday, April 26 notices of the hearing were placed in Miami newspapers.

The consulate will deliver a copy of the document informing him of the hearing at an apartment registered in the name of the former president. He fled the country in January 2015.

Meanwhile a Foreign Office request for Martinelli’s extradition to face charges of wiretapping political opponents, journalists, and businessmen, is mired in the US administrative system.

Interpol alert
An Interpol Red Alert for his two sons, last heard of in Miami, has produced no results.
They are wanted for money laundering and involvement in the Odebrecht bribery scandal.

Their father is under investigation in a dozen cases, involving scores of millions of dollars along with a growing number of his former “zero circle”.