Ex-PAN boss rushed from jail to Santo Tomas

THE FORMER Director of  The National Assistance Program (PAN) was rushed from the El Renacer Prison to Santo Tomas Hospital on Thursday, July 6.

Rafael Guardia Jaén, has been detained since  November 2014 awaiting trial on corruption charges

He was director of the PAN) during the previous government.

“I feel bad, I can’t stand the pain  anymore,” said Guardia Jaen when he arrived, handcuffed and guarded, at the hospital in Panama City.

He said that, for 30 dRenacer she had not received the medicines he needed reports La Prensa.

His  lawyer Victor Orobio said that his client has severe lumbar pain and other ailments.

Orobio said that soon the Supreme  Court must make important decisions regarding protecting his client’s health.

Guardia Jaen’s successor at PAN, Guillermo Tamborelli, is also awaiting trial, and is under house arrest. He has heart surgery shortly after his arrest on corruption charges.  He claims he was visited by Ex-president Ricardo Martinelli and dirty tricks operator  to change  his testimony that his transgressions were at the order of Martinelli.