Martinelli calls $20 million bail denial rights violation

PANAMA’S FUGITIVE former president, Ricardo Martinelli, jailed in Miami since June 12, has presented a “petition” to the US Supreme Court, claiming that denial of his $20 million bail application by a district judge was a “violation” of his rights.

The habeas corpus action was filed Monday, July 24, by attorneys Marcos Daniel Jimenez, David O. Markus and Ricardo Bascuas, the Miami Herald reported.

They claim that the Judge Edwin Torres, of the Southern District Court of Florida, had no jurisdiction to resolve a dispute appeal filed by Martinelli’s defense against a Torres decision not to grant freedom under guarantee to his client.

Markus and Bascuas are part of the team of lawyers of the former Minister of Agriculture of Colombia, Andrés Felipe Arias, sentenced in his country to 17 years and 4 months of imprisonment for embezzlement.

Last year, Arias was detained in Miami and required for extradition by Colombia In  November, Judge John O’Sullivan Granted bail of $ 100,000; he has not yet decided on his extradition.

The lawyers argue that US courts have “misinterpreted” a decision of the Supreme Court of 114 years ago, which, over the years, has had repercussions on the granting bail in cases of extradition. This misinterpretation has prevailed so long, “that now it’s mandatory,  The Miami Herald quoted lawyers as saying.

Martinelli is being held in Miami, at the request of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, where he is required as part of the process followed for unauthorized interception of communications by the National Security Council, during the last two years of his term.

On July 7, Judge Torres denied a request for bail in favor of Martinelli, considering that there was a high risk of flight, given the economic patrimony and the ex-governor’s connections. The defense filed a review, but on July 18, the judge stated that he maintained his decision to deny release, despite the fact that Martinelli was asking for a $20 million bond similar to that granted to a

Former FIFA vice-president detained in New York for corruption  of which half was paid in cash.

Martinelli’s  extradition hearing was set by Judge Torres for August 3

Martinelli remains at the Federal Detention Center, which is adjacent to the Southern District of Florida Court in downtown Miami.