Ruling party deputy fingered in Odebrecht probe

A  PROMINENT government  deputy who heads the National Assembly Committee that handles complaints against Supreme Court judges has become the latest high profile figure to be linked to investigations of the Odebrecht bribery scandal.

Carlos Rosas O’Donnell majority shareholder of  Panama law firm Rosas & Rosas and Rosa Mari Molino Paz, co-manager of the firm have identified Panamenista  Deputy  Jorge Alberto Rosas – Also a partner of the firm – as the person who handled the professional relationship with  Constructora Norberto Odebrecht.

The statements of Rosas O’Donnell and Molino Paz came during  investigations by the  Special Anti-corruption  Prosecutor  into $2.3 million  received by  the company from which suspicious cash payments were made to Odebrecht staff

“The relationship [with Odebrecht] had been going on for years and the request for the “payroll” payments was made to lawyer Jorge Alberto Rosas … who had been the attorney who d primarily served this client, since 2004  “said Rosas O’Donnell, who is under a precautionary measure of impediment to leave the country. The same measure was applied to Molino Paz.

Deputy Rosas said that he could not speak of the subject in order not to violate client confidentiality reports La Prensa.