Ex-Vice President moved to prison

EX -VICE PRESIDENT, Felipe Pipo Virzi,  has been movedf rom  the transitional cells of The Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ) to the El Renacer Prison where former collaborator and ex-Supreme Court  judge Alejandro, Moncada Luna is serving a five-year sentence for corruption.

The Seventh Anti-Corruption Prosecutor ordered his provisional detention on August 17 after charging him with money-laundering, when he allegedly diverted part of the loan awarded by the Caja De Ahorros (CA) savings bank to  the consortium HPC-Contratas-P & V to the former securities firm Financial Pacific (FP).

Prosecutor Leyda Sáenz also charged former employees of FP, Mariel Rodríguez (compliance officer); Ori Zebedes (shareholder, director and treasurer); and  Carlos Osorio, Baleysi Pineda and Josué Absalón Chávez.

Also Charged with money laundering are ex-FP directors Iván Clare and West Valdés, and José Virzi, brother of Pipo Virzi.

Pipo Virzi is facing corruption charges in several other cases.