OFF THE CUFF: Varela puts elbow to Court president

PANAMA President, Juan Carlos Varela, said on Thursday, August 31 that he had spoken with the presiding judge of the Supreme Court, José Ayú Prado, about irregularities that occur within the Judicial Branch.

The president stated that he spoke with Ayú Prado 15 days ago. “The President of the Court knows of situations which are happening inside the court that are not well, “said the president.

Varela told La Prensa he spoke with Ayú Prado about the coordination that must exist between the organs of the Panamanian State.

Varela said added that the conversation was so that the President of the Court could take appropriate action, which could even lead to dismissals.


Mi Diario’s take on re-elected Supreme Court president Ayu Prado, and the new judges who voted for him

Consulted on the two appointments of judges that he should do before the  end of the year, he hinted that he would not call for a consultation with organized civil society.


He explained that he would use his constitutional powers to elect the new judges of the Court

The last two judges were appointed after citizen input which Varela largely ignored. On the day they took office they voted to install controversial Ayu Prado as Court President. Since then as the Court has dragged its heels in cases involving high profile corruption Ayu Prado has maintained his reputation as a jet-set judge on constant overseas jaunts.