OPINION: Time for Varela to show moral authority

The Odebrecht local scandal has reached the Panameñista Party, from whose ranks comes  President. Juan Carlos Varela who campaigned and continued in government with fighting speeches against corruption and promotion of transparency and institutionality. That is why, at a time in which an associate of his has declared to have served as an intermediary between the construction company and his party, and he has also accepted that he received funds from it for the electoral campaign, the country expects the President to give convincing and timely explanations. When and how much money came to the game? In which accounts was it deposited and how was it used? The attitude he has maintained until now, of looking the other way or waiting for the government to face other anxieties, does nothing but diminish confidence and credibility. President, remember that to demand accountability from the past administration, that many have described as the most corrupt in our history, you require a lot of moral authority. Offer the relevant explanations, without hesitation or excuses. And if these lead to the opening of new investigations, then so be it … La Prensa, Nov,17