Blue Apple bribery suspects facing interrogation

ARREST and interrogation orders have been issued for two of the prime suspects in Panama’s latest high profile corruption scandal, labeled “Blue Apple” involving the alleged payment of bribes and other acts of corruption by state contractors.

At the center of the investigation is the company Blue Apple Services Inc, which would have channeled $39.6 million dollars in alleged bribes for direct contracts and tenders through Panamanian banks

Sixth Anticorruption Prosecutor of Aurelio Vásquez, has  issued orders  for the appearance of

Joaquín  Rodriguez

Federico Barrios and Joaquín  Rodriguez Salcedo.

The questioning of Barrios, a lawyer, began on Thursday, January 4  and Rodriguez, a banker will face prosecutors on Friday.

They are accused of creating a structure to pay fictitious invoices through which bribes t were paid and delivered to government benefactors.  They also acquired real estate to disguise the payment of bribes.

So far, effective collaboration agreements have been agreed with five people.

The file was initially in the office of Attorney  General Kenia Porcell, and was assigned it to the Sixth Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office.