Joint Task Force brings aid to flood victims

THE JOINT Task Force (FTC),  under the umbrella of the Operations Center of theCivil Protection System (Sinaproc) spent Saturday, Jan 6 delivering aid to nearly 300 familiesdisplaced  by floods

Those affected received mattresses, blankets, bags of food, toiletries and cleaning materials bottled water, baby items as part of the first coordinated response through the Office of the First Lady and the National Charity Lottery.

In Colón, inspections were also carried out in Portobelo, Verbena and Villa Guadalupe in Cativá. Rescuers released cleared roads to release residents with the cutting and removal of four fallen trees in Gatuncillo Norte y Sur, Sabanitas and Cativá.

The FTC said that  that the Emergency Operations Center (COE) maintains the green alert for Chiriqui, Bocas del Toro, Veraguas, Colon and Ngabe Bugle comarca and a prevention alert  prevention for the rest of the country due to the incursion of the cold front into the Caribbean, generating  clouds, rain, strong winds and waves.

In the province of Bocas del Toro inspections were carried out for landslides in Almirante and rescuers coordinated with the Ministry of Public Works at the collapse of the Charagre road in Changuinola, The sailing of boats was prohibited due to adverse conditions and affected people were transferred by ferry from Almirante to Isla Colón. Staff maintains permanent monitoring on the rivers Sixaola, Changuinola, Negro and El Silencio.

The director of Sinaproc, José Donderis, said that the FTC will not rest until it brings aid to all affected families.

He called on the population to follow the recommendations of the official sources and asked the population not to enter rivers or streams that may represent a risk due to floods and heads of water.