Raids snare three suspects in Police Commissioner murder

A SERIES of police raids, in Chiriqui province have led to the arrest of three people for their alleged links to the killing of vacationing  55-year-old National Police, Samuel Espinosa Linsays, The men are 25, 28 and 29 years old, reports the Public Ministry (MP).

The murder occurred in the community of La Estrella, Bugaba district, on the Interamerican highway, opposite Sabores de Mi Tierra restaurant, in the evening of Tuesday, April 3. Espinoza was killed with five bullets.

Prosecutor Humberto Rodríguez Batista said that the three people apprehended are residents in the province of Chiriquí and the MP has not ruled out the possibility of linking other people to the gunning down of the Commissioner said the prosecutor.

The actions that allowed the arrests of the  three people were coordinated by the Specialized Section of Homicide and Femicide of Chiriqui  province in coordination with the Directorate of Judicial Investigation, Directorate of Police Investigation and the National Police