US puts Panama on its no go list

The United States recommends that its citizens  avoid traveling to Panama, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, since “the risk has increased in some areas.”

The caveat for Panama is that travelers may experience border and airport closings, travel bans, curfews, closed shops, and “other emergency conditions” ordered by Panamanian authorities to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

The Department of State on Thursday, August 6 included Panama and almost the entire region, in its  “level 4”, travel recommendations.

The entire Central American isthmus (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua) was included along with the Colombia and Costa Rica , as well as Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Surinam, and Bolivia.

Canada, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, and Ecuador, on the other hand, are located in level 3.

The State Department considers the risk of each level as: level 1, “exercise normal precautions”; level 2, “increase caution”; level 3, “reconsider your trip”; level 4, “don’t travel”.

The caveat for Panama is that travelers may experience border and airport closings, travel bans, curfews, closed shops, and “other emergency conditions” ordered by Panamanian authorities to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Panama has banned commercial passenger flights since March 23, but on Thursday it was announced that travel by citizens and residents will be allowed, conditioned on the presentation of the Covid-19 test, and keeping a mandatory quarantine for 14 days.