National construction strike set for April 18

After a show of force as hundreds marched and closed the six westbound lanes of Avenida Balboa on Thursday afternoon, April 5, The National Union of the Construction Industry and Similar (Suntracs) confirmed that it will call a national strike in the construction industry starting Wednesday, April 18, from 7:00 a.m.

The call will be made after six months of negotiation with the Panamanian  Construction Chamber  (Capac) and after frustration over the parameters of the collective agreement c that will be in force between 2018 and 2021.

Herasmo Cerrud, representing the Suntracs at the negotiating  table, said  that the Capac offered an increase of 2 cents per hour per year, a proposal rejected by the workers,

The union has given an ultimatum said  Cerrud but  the meetings will continue every day at the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor and Work Development (Mitradel), but if  an agreement is not reached and if the Capac does not up  its proposal,  the strike will go ahead, affecting major projects including Metro Line 2 which  has revised its finishing dates in order to complete some  sections for World Youth Day in January.