Lawyer suspectin doubleclient murder

A  WOMAN lawyer accused of the murder of a 42-year-old Panamanian woman and her 76-year-old  Italian partner whose bodies were found in  garbage bags will appear in court on Friday, April 20 for a hearing to review the order for preventive detention .

The hearing will be held at 2:30 p.m. in the Court of Appeals of the Panama  First Judicial District.

At the guarantee control hearing held on April 11, the judge of Guarantees Mike Zuñiga, supported the application of detention of the lawyer,  based on several elements: the interview with a protected witness and another with the mother of one of the  victims, mother, photographs and forensic medical reports.

The case
The Italian Furcio Ferrari and the Panamanian Mariaelena Vallarino lived together in Mexico. They arrived in Panama on November 27 of last year to resolve legal issues of the assets they had in the country.

But the next day they were killed and their bodies abandoned in two black bags in Las Summits, North Panama. The lawyer is the only one accused of the double homicide.

The investigations of the Homicide Prosecutor’s Office have revealed that the lawyer was the legal representative of the couple and administered the three apartments that they rented in Panama.

It is presumed that the Italian and the Panamanian were killed to keep their property, says a TVN report.