OPINION: Strike creating only losers

The strike that has paralyzed the construction sector is now 30 days. old. Although the Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac), and the Union Of Construction and Similar Workers (Suntracs) have their negotiation positions, the human and economic cost of the stoppage has been very high. Tens of thousands of homes have lost their income, while hundreds of small and medium businesses have lower sales. At the same time, money from savers and investors who believed in Panama are hurt. The National  Government is unarmed in the face of a strike of these proportions since there is a gap in the labor legislation that prevents compulsory arbitration, as exists in other countries. The strike will have other effects unexpected events that will affect the most vulnerable populations of the country. There is a significant delay in flagship projects. For the future many lessons learned; perhaps the most important: with a strike there are never winners, only losers … LA PRENSA. May 18