Teacher power price hike strike to continue

PUBLIC SCHOOL  teachers will go ahead with their nationwide walkout to protest the hike in electricity prices although President Juan Carlos Varela had announced the suspension of the increase after a week of street protests across the country by business, labor, and social groups.

The  National Union of Educators of Panama (UNEP) and the National Union of Educators for Quality

of Education (Unecep), announced on Saturday, July 14 that the walkout and demonstration at the National Assembly will take place on Monday because the Executive has not eliminated the measure, but only suspended it to avoid protests and there are people who have seen the increase in their invoices, which is unfair.

At the National Assembly, they will show their discontent with the arrears in payments to the instructors of the program Panama Bilingüe, as well as the poor state of the schools and the failure of the Extended Day.

The Ministry of Education (Meduca), has called on teachers to desist from the call to strike announced since last Wednesday, July 11.