OPINION: The good and bad of social media

Technology has created new platforms for communication, learning, entertainment, and interaction for all humanity. The new equipment and media are not bad or dangerous by themselves, but rather they facilitate and intensify the opportunities to innovate in positive activities, and in harmful behaviors. This is the inherent risk of any new technology. Although harassment traps and deceptions abound in the digital world, there are tools and aid organizations that should be used to face the dark side of the human soul. It is clear, as the specialists suggest, that they apply common sense, investigate and educate themselves about how they can mitigate existing risks and threats. Faced with cases of abuse or harassment, it is vital that victims seek support and not be newly marginalized No one is invulnerable in the face of attacks on privacy, private life or integrity and digital reputation of our stocks. The great lesson, that we begin to understand, about social networks, is that they reflect the attitudes, values, passions,  principles, and flaws of humans. These networks do not create monsters or make villains, because they actually reveal such and what we are, for good or for bad. LA PRENSA. Jul. 28