Rudderless hospital service awaits Varela action

A WEEK after the director of the Social Security Fund (CSS),  Dr. Alfredo Martiz, announced his resignation from a post seen as increasingly politicized, patients associations and members of the board of directors are awaiting presidential action to name his replacement.

Roger Barés, leader of the Patient and Family members Protection Committee, said  that, according to Law 51 of 2005, which governs the social security entity, it is the deputy director, Julio García Valarini, who must assume the position, although only for a period of up to 90 days, while designating the new director.

“What worries us is that we are in politicking times and the CSS has been politicized, “said Barés.  He said that patients require a person who is committed and can guarantee good care, medicines, and medical-surgical supplies.

Irma Delgado, a member of the board of directors said that Ideally, García Valarini would assume the position of director and remain there for the rest of this governmental period. “The most important thing would be to support the deputy director in his management, “she said. Normally the board of directors makes a call and evaluates the profile of those interested in directing the CSS. A shortlist is sent to the President, who appoints the director. of the institution.

Martiz leaves the CSS amid complaints from patients over lack of medicines. He was the third director during the current government.