OPINION: An “untouchable” hooked?

The deputy Carlos Agustín Afú Decerega has been one of the most conspicuous protagonists of our parliamentary history. In the administration of Mireya Moscoso (1999-2004), he himself acknowledged publicly to have been the recipient of a bribe and even showed $6,000 that, according to him, were the advance of a payment of $20,000 to vote in favor of the Cemis contract. Several changes of political parties later, but maintaining his hegemony in the province of Los Santos, Afú was the protagonist of a fierce battle at the polls. Then the Electoral Tribunal had to cancel his election as a deputy and to call a re-run, but with the same actors and the same result. The customer base of the Afú voters is extremely loyal and has never cared about the behavior of its protector. After four years, the criminal investigation derived precisely from the facts that justified the cancellation of the election of Afú in May 2014, has been sent to the plenary of the Supreme Court. Both the Electoral Tribunal and the Public Ministry found strong evidence suggesting the commission of a possible crime of embezzlement, using public funds channeled through boards for the sole purpose of seducing voters. Again the Supreme Court of Justice will welcome a criminal case against one of the untouchables of Panamanian politics. Do not expect surprises … LA PRENSA, Sep 1