OPINION: Panama Justice for sale

In the corridors, it was whispered that the Judicial Organ was for sale. And, from time to time, details emerged, as when the Attorney General of the Nation said that a magistrate had confessed: “They recorded me! They recorded me!” Or when she met a businessman who wanted to denounce the blackmail that he was subject to, but he regretted it when he realized that he would be charged. Now it is a citizen who participated in the game and got  the worst end of the stick  so he decided to take his testimony where necessary and  his  report involves the son of Oydén Ortega, the magistrate in whose hands could be the fate of Ricardo Martinelli  the  reason for which it is speculated that it pressures  Ortega so that he acts in a  certain way in the case of the ex-president. The truth is that, beyond ulterior motives, the complaint is very serious. It is about the negotiation of a judgment narrated by one of the parties.

The story confirms that the system is rotten and the fault is not exclusive to the judges, but of all those who at some point have put money on the table to achieve their goals, from the townspeople to the businessmen, from the fringe lawyers to the big players .-LA PRENSA, Nov. 16