Panama-David high speed train feasibility study near finish

The feasibility study for the possible construction of a railway line connecting Panama and David,  in Chiriqui province, is “basically finished,” said Chinese ambassador Wei Qiang. In a press conference on Friday, November 23.

The ambassador said that the technical team is preparing the final report. The study has been done with non-reimbursable cooperation funds from China, at the request of the Government of Panama.

“When the Government raised the possibility of building a railway, the Chinese side considered that in the case of a large infrastructure project a serious feasibility study had to be previously carried out,” Qiang said.

The decision to build or not build the railway will depend on the Government of Panama.

The agreement signed between both countries would be for the possible construction of a passenger and cargo train ith a speed of 160 kilometers per hour. It would take two hours and 30 minutes to get to David and an hour and 30 minutes to Santiago, in  Veraguas.