Prosecutor asksjail time for rogue judge

The seventh circuit judge Felipe Fuentes who has been separated from office since Feb  1   was convicted by three of his peers on Friday, Nov.23  of being the person who stole six booklets of the Financial Pacific (FP) case, which were found lying on the Inter-American Highway, near Loma Cová , in  January.

The prosecutor has asked for a sentence of 38 months in prison. The sentence will be announced on Dec.10.
The judge who already had a spotty record remains suspended without pay.

During the trial; it was revealed that he had tried to get a court assistant to lie to investigators, which she refused t do and that he had three relatives working in the court who he boasted would not be discovered because they had different names.

The judges argued that between January 10 and 15, Fuentes took from the court documents that belonged to the FP case, which had to remain at all times in the court premises.

In addition, they valued the statements of the judicial secretary of the court, Walkiria Boya Casasola, and court assistant Karina Martinez, who reported that in the period in which the event occurred, the last person who had the booklets was judge Fuentes.