OPINION: Jail time for bribery beneficiaries

The role of financial intermediaries is key in money laundering arising from acts of corruption. The Brazilian construction company Norberto Odebrecht shoed the way at the time of distributing bribes as its intermediaries opened bank accounts all over the world justifying the arrival of millions of dollars with false contracts This model had its replicas in Panama, in which the beneficiaries of the bribes in many cases used a local financial intermediary, as well as borrowers, to hide the origin of the funds and the true recipient of the bribes. Well, one of those local financial intermediaries decided to tell us what their role was, who their clients were where the money went, as well as the details of the legal and financial structures to carry out these criminal activities. The legal figure that has allowed these denunciations has been an effective tool for investigators to get to the bottom of the biggest robbery the nation has known in recent history. Hopefully, the courts will provide justice and those who are responsible will end up in jail. The excuses are over, as well as our patience. –LA PRENSA, Nov.27