OPINION: In search of corruption status quo

The year 2018 leaves the country an unforgivable debt in the fight against corruption. On the one hand, the bills on the imprescritibility of corruption offenses, civil death and the extinction of ownership over assets whose origin cannot be justified, were shelved in a commission of the National Assembly. On the other hand, the Executive was in default with several initiatives promised in the campaign and also failed to comply with the five bills that the National Authority on Transparency and Access to Information developed more than two years ago. What is our political class afraid of? More than rulers concerned with protecting public interests and seeking the common good, it seems that the intention is to maintain the status quo of impunity. Until the Panamanians do not understand that corruption in all its forms is the most expensive tax that exists, because it pays in lost lives for lack of medicines, destinations truncated by lack of education or a society subsidized in all its forms or laden with poverty for the overpricing of public contracts, the waste and the impudence will continue. In 2019 we are the citizens who must demand that this agenda be resumed, and act consistently at the polls, on May 5. – LA PRENSA.Dec.30