Sting recording lawyer – “I pay judges every day”


An obscure  Panamanian  lawyer caught in sting move  by an Israeli private investigator  in Spain  has fingered a Supreme Court   Judge and boasted that  he had access to “the judicial mafia.”

The lawyer Janio Lescure, was recorded when he thought he was talking to a Russian businessman who wanted to open a brothel in Panama featuring Russian women s

The alleged Russian businessman turned out to be an agent of an Israeli intelligence company, hired by a third person who was apparently aware of the clandestine operations of Lescure reports La Prensa.

In, an effort to win a good client, the lawyer boasted of his contacts in the “mafia” of the Judicial Branch. aAnd among them, once again, the name of Judge Oydén Ortega arose.

Crónica, a supplement to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo , had access to the recordings made by the Israeli undercover agent.. In  a 180 degree turn,Ortega  wrote at the end of last year a ruling in which he declined the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court (CSJ) in the trial of former President Ricardo Martinelli for alleged wiretapping .Now the ex-ruler will be tried by the ordinary courts.

Lescure a partner in a small law office that bears his name is a low profile Panamanian lawyer who gained some notoriety after receiving a brief to represent high-profile client Mayer Mizrachi , accused of a crime against public administration who has received consecutive favorable rulings in his process.

 Crónica , dedicated a full page to him on Sunday, January 27. In his conversation with the spy he laid out a whole process of bribes to put the company into operation and keep it safe from municipal, migratory and labor inspections.

Oyden OrtegaTo convince the alleged Russian businessman of his extensive relations in the Judicial Organ, he claimed his influence in the Supreme Court, where he says  one of his contacts and friends is  magistrate Oydén Ortega who . should have been replaced in January but has remained in office awaiting awaitinmg a substitute. It was recently revealed that one of his children – Oydén Ortega Collado – acted as a recipient of alleged bribes, reported by a person who paid him $15,000 for the admission of his case. However, the one who paid the presumed bribes-César Alvarado Taylor-decided to denounce those involved after, according to him, the interim judge of the Court, Rubén De León, demanded $250,000 for a ruling favorable to his case, but when refusing to pay, the ruling ended against him.

According to Crónica, Lescure, told the Israeli that “Ortega has collaborated on multiple occasions.”

The lawyer told the alleged Russian businessman that, depending on the number of judges and involved in a ruling, it is enough to pay one, if the decision depends on one; if there are five, you have to pay three, and if there are nine, you have to bribe five. “That’s the formula,” Lescure explained.

“I pay judges every day,” said Lescure.

For the business of creating a”nightclub “ Lescure said he could do it, but he would like to do it “in a big way”, Lescure said “The first step is to take the girls to Panama as if they were tourists. Then, make them come to the club as if they were clients. There, the real customers will invite them to leave, as if it were a fortuitous encounter. But before leaving, they will make a payment that will be reflected in the local accounts as some kind of alcohol consumption.”

The licensing would include bribes for “those who inspect in the Municipality; those who inspect in migrations and those who inspect in the Ministry of Labor. “

In Panama, a company of which Lescure was legal representative – Travel One – was investigated, accused of a pyramid scheme that granted great economic and tourist benefits to its members.

According to the Spanish publication, the business portfolio also includes the creation of tax schemes that “allow avoiding taxes”.

When Crónica called him for his side of the story, Lescure denied everything. After a silence of four seconds, Lescure said he had nothing to comment on the conversation with the “Russian businessman” and how he operates in Panama. He said  his visit to Spain, was of  a purely personal nature and,nothing more. He did not respond to calls from La Prensa.