Panama poisoning victims get $200 pension boost

Survivors of Panama ’s biggest poisoning scandal who consumed cough mixture containing diethylene glycol from the Social Security Fund (CSS) almost 12 years ago.  will be getting a $200 increase to the  $800 a month pension. Hundreds died

The increase was approved by the National Assembly Labor, Health and Development Committee and will be reviewed every two years.

Among other aspects of the benefit, reports La Prensa the widower, spouse or partner will be entitled to receive 100% of the pension. Children under 18 years of age or 25 years old, who have completed university studies or disabled children while the disability persists, in which case they will be entitled to receive 50% of the pension. The other 50% will go correspond to the widower, spouse or partner. The percentage that corresponds to the children will be distributed proportionally among them.