Lawmakers’ staff  will have to clock-in – comptroller

Deputies who have spent scores of millions of dollars on staff payrolls, including creating non-existent jobs as they dole out State funds to party insiders and relatives face are facing new controls imposed by Panama’s Comptroller General  Federico Humbert who has been fighting a lone battle with the National Assembly rulers.

Because his office cannot interrupt the inclusion of personnel in the National Assembly’s schedules, new control rules have been introduced for the payment of employees.

Humbert explained that they are ensuring that “each person hired is providing a service.”

Monitoring clocks have been placed in all the offices and those controls must be submitted to the Comptroller General that payroll can be paid.

When asked about the effects of the suspension of the forms such as 080, Humbert said that citizens should not think that everything is the same. “Nothing more distant from reality than a Panamanian may think that nothing has happened.”

According to the comptroller, only from 2017 to 2018 the Panamanian State saved more than $60 million in reductions to the payroll.

When asked about consulted that the investigations not advancing in the judicial sphere, Humbert said recalled that he feels the same frustrations as the rest of the population. Reports La Prensa.

He said that the audits that the Comptroller presented have the correct support to carry out judicial processes. “I hope that they will start soon.”