50 shops closed in once  trendy tourist area

The timing couldn’t be worse for Panama city mayor and wannabe president,  José Isabel Blandón after an uninspiring performance in the first debate if presidential candidates.

A lawsuit against the Municipality of Panama has been launched by a dozen merchants of  Vía Argentina, in the Third Chamber of Supreme Court (CSJ).

The citizens, grouped in the movement ‘Comerciantes Unidos de Bella Vista’, announced on Friday, February 22 that at least 50 businesses in the once trendy area have closed as a result of the construction of the rehabilitation project of by city the mayor Blandón.

The merchants have requested fair compensation for the damages suffered due to the construction of the $26.2 million project. It is estimated that the demand could reach $8 million.

The complaints are related to problems suffered by sewage, lack of parking and frequent flooding in the sector.

The renovation works on the road cover twelve blocks, located between Vía España and Avenida Manuel Espinosa Batista, in the sector of El Cangrejo.

This area was once very frequented by Panamanians and foreigners thanks to the variety of shops, restaurants, bars, bakeries, pharmacies and beauty salons.

The merchants say that they had not received the required responses through the Transparency Law.

Meanwhile, businesses in the Calle Uruguay area, scene of another protracted Blandon rehabilitation  project  are watching developments