Over 3,000 items reach Metro lost and found

PERSONAL  documents ranging from ID cards to passports head the list of 3,182 objects that were left on Panama’s Metro trains between 2017 and 2018.

Lost items are temporarily held at the station where they were found before being

transferred to Albrook station.  Items found, on trains are taken to terminal stations. during the commercial service. At the end of the day, they are taken to, the Albrook station. Owners have 30 days to claim their lost item.

Once this period has expired, the objects are sent to the Metro Administrative Office which has 5 working days to define its fate; either discard or destruction, refer to non-profit organizations or public institutions or Metro assets.

In the case of perishable objects (food, medicines, etc.), discarding occurs at the end of the commercial service of the Metro, so you only have the same day to claim it.