Over 100,000 waterborne for Carnival

Security on Panama’s coastal waters will be doubled during  Carnival when it is estimated by the  Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP).   that more than 100,000 people will travel by sea to different parts of the country.

During the festivities last year some 104,704 passengers were counted at sea, in 7, 560 trips made, and it is expected that the figure this year will be equal or higher.

The AMP announced that to ensure the safety of passengers security will be doubled during in ports, docks, and berths, to verify that the owners or captains of boats have their navigation permit, as well as the current safety certificate.

It is important that the boats have minimum safety requirements, including life jackets, appropriate communication equipment, flares, the outboard motor in good condition, portable fire extinguisher ABC type no less than four kilos.

During the surveillance operations sanctions were applied to 13 ships for breach of several maritime standards.

In addition, together with the National Police, the Transport Authority and the National Aeronaval Service, 82 antidoping and alcohol tests were applied, resulting in three positive results.