Train project exudes multi-billion smoke

The Panama-David train has been surrounded by suspicious ambiguities. Although only three months ago our highest authorities denied that it had been decided to build the railway project, Yesterday the President of the Republic announced, as a fact, that its construction would cost $4,1 billion, which contrasts with the project of the expansion of the Canal that, with similar figures, was explained to its users and the country and long debated for months, before being submitted to a referendum.

 In addition, the feasibility study that supports the cost of this train was financed by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, owner of companies with a more than likely interest in developing the project. Is not a conflict of interest evident? Have we not learned anything from the mistakes we have made with Odebrecht? Or maybe, Could it be that we learned a lot? Apparently, President Juan Carlos Varela has not realized that his government already leaves him at least $4,4 billion million in “turnkey” projects to the next administration. If you were to add the Panama-David train, it would be more than $8.5 billion in legacy obligations. What is the trouble? An ounce of caution can prevent tons of problems and scandals – LA PRENSA, Mar. 16.