Drug capo swops luxury for Panama Alcatraz

Juan Vicente Blandford White, alias “El Patrón Juancito”, 47, reported to enjoy   protective political and business  links has exchanged  dalliance in his luxury homes in Clayton and Panama Pacifico  for a cell in the El Coco maximum security prison, reserved for dome dozen “highly dangerous.”

He was taken there  on Thursday, April 12 in  a helicopter of the National Aeronaval Service (Senan), The native of Colon and Panama’s  most wanted man and native of Columbus at the time of his arrest on Wednesday transfer was dressed in a sweatshirt er and long pants with a bulletproof vest, and hands and feet in cuffs.

,”El Patrón Juancito” had a  $25,000 reward, on his head he was captured after an intelligence operation.

He is considered a highly dangerous leader of a criminal group in the province of Colon, known as Real Gangster Four Life (RG4L).

The National Police, through its Twitter account, said that Eduardo Macia Alonzo, alias “Marshall “, another of Colon’s gang leaders, arrested in an Amador luxury home in an earlier intelligence operation was also transferred to What has been nicknamed the Panama Alcatraz.