Search of ex-finance minister’s home ruled legal

A   SEARCH of the beach home of former Minister of Economy and Finance, Frank De Lima.has been  declared legal by  The Twelfth Criminal Court

The raid on the luxury second residence in a  Vistada estate, in San Carlos, was ordered  by the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office and was ratified when an incident of controversy presented by the former minister was denied. According to judge Óscar Carrasquilla, the prosecution did not violate due process or any of the guarantees to the defendant, so there was no legal support to declare illegality.

The beach house located in El Palomar, district of San Carlos is valued at $300,000.

De Lima was detained in 2015 for alleged irregularities in the case of the purchase of grain through the defunct National Assistance Program (PAN) and was granted bail of$200,000 on February 26, 2016, by the Second Court of Justice.

De Lima is facing other criminal charges.