Exiting Varela will avoid “Den of thieves”

With the clock showing only hours before the country decides who will succeed him President Juan Carlos Varela has written his own political epitaph listing some of the projects created during his administration and claiming he leaves leaves a different country to the one he received from the Democratic Change  administration (CD) and his successor will not have the challenge of dismantling a structure dedicated to the diversion of State funds and the weakening of its institutionality .”

Varela wrote that as soon as his term ends, he will make public his patrimonial declaration and will not become  a deputy of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen)  which his predecessor once labeled a den of thieves but later used to take refuge from Supreme Court investigations

He also stated that he is ready to coordinate an orderly and institutional transition that will allow the next president to begin his work from the first day of his administration.

Varela also referred to achievements  such as the reduction of homicides, economic growth, the reactivation of banana production in Puerto Armuelles, the new Tocumen Airport terminal, Line 2 of Panama Metro, and Colon city’s reconstruction.