Checkpoints and increased task force as beaches reopen

Agents from the Joint Task Force will set up checkpoints at  beaches and rivers hen they reopen to review  the identity card of each  visitor to ensure that they are not  on the list of over 20.000 people under quarantine for covid-19

The announcement came from  Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre on Friday, October 23. The beaches reopen on Saturday.

Sucre reiterated that to access beaches and rivers, it will be necessary to be in a”family bubble”, with a maximum of seven people and they must keep their masks at all times and be placed at a distance of four meters from other bubbles. They can only remove the mask when bathing and when eating.

Meanwhile, the National Police moved traffic agents to roads leading to roads to the interior and to the beaches. On Sunday it will make a lane reversal into the city.

The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) reported that it will be present in 27 points of the country, with 187 agents.