Appeals court denies habeas corpus for ex-Assembly president

Panama’s Appeals  Court of Appeals on Wednesday, August 7 denied  the habeas corpus action filed by the defense of former National Assembly president  Rubén De León, under  investigation for corruption involving Assembly expense funds while he served as a deputy

The habeas corpus was presented by the lawyer Ángel Alvárez, who claimed that there was

“danger of personal freedom of De León”. The Court gave each of the parties 15 minutes for their arguments.

Prosecutor Adecio Mojica said that no charges have been laid against  De León, nor has his arrest been ordered, so there can be no threats to his person.

De León did not appear on August 6 at an indictment hearing for the alleged commission of crimes against the public administration in the case of the forms of the Assembly.

A judge of guarantees indicated that the lawyer of De León [Roberto Moreno] had the obligation that the former deputy was at the hearing.

The defense also argued that he cannot be judged in the ordinary courts and that he must be in the Supreme Court because he is a deputy of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen).

The prosecution maintains that De León has not yet been sworn in the Parlacen.