13 simultanous raids in Panama child porn crackdown

The  Public Ministry executed this Wednesday, September 4, operating in various sectors of the country to dismantle alleged collection centers and distribution of pornographic material.

Thirteen sites  were raided across Panama, starting at 6.30 am on Wednesday, September 4 as part of  operation Luz de la Infancia” directed against child sexual exploitation, in seven  countries in the Americas

The blitz  “was carried out by the Primary Care Prosecutor’s Office, the National Police Intelligence Directorate of the National Police, and forensic computer experts of the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences.

“The actions took place in Chiriquí, Los Santos, Coclé, Panama Oeste, the capital city and San Miguelito, within investigations of the alleged commission of crimes against freedom and integrity sexual (corruption and sexual exploitation of minors), ” said a Public Ministry statement at a Wednesday press conference.

Simultaneous operations were also carried out in the United States, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, and Paraguay.

Prosecutors and forensic experts are examining the seizures of data from the equipment seized in the raids.

Prosecutor Anilú Batista said that the penalties for the crime of child pornography range from 5 to 15 years in jail.